Las Aves (Birds)
Well heck yeah there are birds at Etlingera Farms! This is the tropics. There are birds everywhere. We have several families of Toucans that seem to live in or around the bananero. The Toucan is to Costa Rica what the common Crow is to the United States. There is basically nothing they won't eat.
In addition to our Toucans, there are a few Oropendulia nests in the trees nearby, and the oropendula come and keep us company usually in the late afternoons, just before sunset.
Thanks to the flowers, we have an abundance of hummingbirds in the area. Or maybe better put, thanks to the hummingbirds spreading the pollen, we have an abundance of flowers in the area. Either way, we appreciate the beauty of both. And, both require very little effort on our part to keep them happy and healthy.
A social flock of green parrots pass over us every morning on their way into the neighboring national park, and noisily again in the evenings on their way home from their day's work. They always seem to be too busy to stop here. Maybe when our Almendro Trees mature, things will be different.
And, I know we should be more informed about our environment. I'm reminded of this every time i see one of the orange birds, or the blue birds or even the red one that I can never get a decent photograph of. But, we love them just the same. And, everyone of them loves our bananas in return.